December 16, 2021
ARC ends the year on a high
The Anguilla Red Cross extends Season’s Greetings and sincere thanks to the Anguillian Community for your support and patronage throughout this year. We trained a record-breaking 240 individuals in Commercial Basic First Aid and we look forward to continuing to serve the Anguillian Community in the new year. We therefore extend a hearty thanks to all our Individual and Corporate sponsors, donors and partners who continue to contribute to moving the work of the Anguilla Red Cross forward.

We have also successfully partnered with Gender Affairs Anguilla and the Ministry of Social Development and Education, through the support of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), to host a Child Safeguarding Darkness to Light (D2L) training that was facilitated by our D2L Trainer, Ms. Jennyville Smith. The session trained youth mentors with the Department of Youth and Culture, so they are better able to monitor and maintain the wellbeing of youth who they advise. We are proud to be associated with Gender Affairs Anguilla and look forward to forging ahead with new projects in the new year. Learn more here.
It is in that light that the British Red Cross, Anguilla Red Cross (ARC), members, volunteers and stakeholders invite you to join us in officially welcoming our new board of the Anguilla Red Cross. The Governing Committee (GC) of the Anguilla Red Cross ensures that we successfully work toward our vision and mission.
The GC upholds the core ethics and values of the Red Cross. It sets and reviews policies, maintains the organization’s financial integrity and evaluates its operations and effectiveness. Its role includes safeguarding the long-term reputation and assets of the Branch. The appointment of the following individuals to the Committee favors well for the branch as the following individuals are passionate, driven, and well-versed. They will help to realign and reimagine the branch and help to further the Humanitarian Call in Anguilla and further afield. We therefore invite you to join us to welcome the leadership team to the Anguilla Red Cross. Click here to learn more about our GC